The goal of the program is the formation of theoretical knowledge and development of the professional competence necessary for effective research work related to the search for new thermoelectric materials that provide the maximum value of thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) and the maximum service life of thermoelectric generator modules.
Theoretical intensive: including introduction to crystallography and quantum mechanical modeling of materials, machine learning in materials science, thermoelectric physics, introduction to examples of predicted thermoelectric materials
Learning outcomes – knowledge on the following topics:
For whom?
Specialists from enterprises developing and producing thermoelectric materials, teachers of higher education institutions, employees of scientific organizations, graduate students, students.
Knowledge level is adjustable
72,5 hours
Including 54 lecture hours and 18,5 hours of self-study
Research work in the lab: a project on a topic determined by the client.
Students will be prepared to carry out professional activities in the field of modeling crystal structures of new thermoelectric materials, ensuring the maximum value of thermoelectric figure of merit and the maximum service life of thermoelectric generator modules.
Learning outcomes — skills which allow to:
For whom?
Specialists from enterprises developing and producing thermoelectric materials, teachers of higher education institutions, employees of scientific organizations, graduate students, students
Entrance requirement: higher education in the field of materials science
200 hours
Including 70 hours of seminars, 40 hours of self-study and 90 hours of practical work